MEF Round 19 Awarded Grants – October, 2011

Round 19 Grants – October, 2011

  1. Celebrate Dr. Seuss’s Birthday!  Family Workshop Night. 
    Students and parents will be able to dine on green eggs and ham derived by the events’ inspiration, Dr. Seuss.  They will participate in a three rotation workshop where students and parents will be able to create, write, compare and contrast all things Dr. Seuss.  The workshops are based on three books which are If I Ran the Zoo, Cat in the Hat,  and What Would You See On Mulberry Street.  This project will provide an enriching evening for students and their families to have the opportunity to interact and enjoy themselves with an after-school educational setting supporting their child’s literacy needs.
    Ashley Mayer, Salk, K-4, 100 students, $450

  2. High School PBIS Reward Funds. 
    This project will provide quality rewards to students who demonstrate positive behavior.  The project involves the continued implementation of the Positive Behavior Interventions and Support program which is in its 3rd year.  The program has been very successful  providing students with continuous training of school rules and appropriate behavior through “Behavior Scripts” which  teachers in each subject read to students and then discuss.  Discipline data is tracked and reviewed by teams of teachers.  Scripts are adjusted to address fluctuations in behavior.  Teacher recognition is also used with a banner and gift card.  Gift cards are not funded by this grant. 
    James Stamper, MHS, Grades 9-12, 2500 students, $1240.

  3. MHS Learning Garden. 
    This project would encourage students to learn about growing vegetables, where their food comes from, practice environmental responsibility and establish/nurture a sense of community in students.  Through participation of different academic departments and extracurricular clubs, many students will have a firsthand experience of a garden and its evolution for the first time. 
    Charles Gleason, MHS Environmental Club, Grades 9-12, 100 students, $500. 

  4. Integrating Inquiry and STEM instruction. 
    The purpose of this project is to help students within the Freshmen Academy to pass the Math ECA by integrating inquiry-based instruction and STEM concepts.  Because there is a high correlation between science and math, many of the standards assessed on the Math ECA are covered during Physical Science.  Remediation of these common standards and skills will be targeted.  Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math will be highlighted during the Careers portion of Freshmen Academy Science.  Some of the activities and investigations include bridge building, calculating and converting temperatures, acids and bases, motion and speed calculations and cell types. 
    Chyamiah Martin, MHS Freshman Academy, Grade 9, 150 students, $1595.15

  5. Books for Me. 
    This project would allow the purchase of two books from Scholastic Book Clubs for each of the 127 Title I Reading students.  With bonus points, one additional book will be sent.  Putting books in students’ hands that they have themselves been able to select will increase their desire to read more. 
    Marissa Krutz, Iddings, K-4, 140 students, $840


TOTAL ROUND 19 GRANTS:  $4,205.15

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