MEF Round 17 Awarded Grants – December, 2010
Round 17 Grants – December, 2010
1. High School PBIS Reward Funds.
Funds will be used for student recognition from their teachers each Wednesday if they are nominated. Ten of the nominated students are randomly chosen as winners. The rewards students can choose from are varied but include office supplies, candy cookies, ice cream, coupons for free ID’s and lanyards, coupons for concessions at sporting events, and tickets to special events at the school. Two teachers are selected each month to be recognized on large banners in the lobbies and $50 gift cards.
Jen Simon, High School, 9-12, 2260 students, $600.00.
2. MIS’s Ticket to Positive Behavior.
This grant will support the PBIS program at MIS for the Spring 2011 semester. By allowing students to cash in their pirate bucks every two weeks for something they will enjoy, they are more likely to display the positive behaviors the staff is trying to reinforce.
Amanda Roberts, MIS, 5th and 6th, 1,100 students, $1500.00.
3. Composing with Rhythm Building Blocks.
This grant will help in teaching rhythm reading and composition through manipulation of rhythm patterns common to familiar rhymes and children’s songs. Lessons are constructed which lead students through an active process of speaking, singing, moving, and playing instruments in order to increase understanding. Having the students create their own music is an important aspect of Orff. The goal is for students to be able to read and perform rhythms based on the rhythm building blocks and then to create and perform their own patterns.
Barbara Timmerman, Wood, K-4, 451 students, $1404.92.
4. Let’s Hear It For The Boys.
Because data drives our instruction, a review of ISTEP+ data from recent years has us noticing a trend in our male subgroup. Our third and fourth grade male students consistently score lower in the English/Language Arts ISTEP+ assessment. This grant will be used to purchase Graphic novels (novels of high interest to males) for used during our small group guided reading instruction.
Lori Govert, Miller, Grades 2,3,4, 200 students, $2549.00.
5. Physics on the Road.
Third and fourth grade students at Salk will have the opportunity to learn physics through this presentation from Purdue University’s Outreach Program PEARLS (Physics Educational Assistance, Resources, and Learning Strategies. Traditionally elementary teachers have not had the science background to feel comfortable teaching physics concepts. This presentation would give both teachers and students an opportunity to learn from the experts with parent involvement. Merrillville 4th graders are tested on science ISTEP+.
Nancy Starkey, Salk, 3rd and 4th grade, 250 students, $400.00.
6. Life Skills Development for Moderate/Severe Students at MHS.
This grant will secure additional supplies/material in the life skills areas for students with moderate and severe disabilities who are serviced in the Intense Interventions Program at MHS. By increasing everyday life skills students will be able to function more independently in their adult lives. By learning to prepare simple recipes, becoming aware of kitchen and food safety, setting a table, learning shopping skills, developing an awareness of the five main food groups and counting money and making purchases, they are developing skills to help them transition into adult life. These skills are related to their ISTAR assessment and their Individual Education Plans.
Barb Dlouhy and Melissa Szcerba, MHS, 9-12, 30 students, $498.40.
7. HYPE Program.
The HYPE program consists of meeting with mentors from the STAND alumni once a month. The children will be divided into subgroups based on similar interests. For example, an artistic group, an athletic group, musical group, animal lovers, etc. There will be four children in each group and one mentor assigned to a group. This will allow the mentees to have an instant connection point with their mentor. The program will take place on Fridays for two hours after school at IMS and Pierce. Each set of students will meet with their mentors immediately following the school day at their respective schools. During their time together, the children will be “hanging out” with their mentor and have the opportunity to interact with children with similar interests that may be in similar life situations. Every meeting will have a main focus such as attitudes, helping others, making goals, etc. The activities will be used to reflect on the topic of the day. Activities will consist of playing games, making crafts, homework help, and community volunteering projects.
Shawn Williams and Danny Lackey. MIS and Pierce, 5-8, 62 students, $1400.00.
8. FAME.
This project will foster creativity through multicultural art and the integration of Language Arts into Art Education. The theme for this year’s FAME is Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Saint Pierre, and Miquelon. Ms. Hedges will be presenting a Unit with 16 different projects being completed by the students. Winning work will be on display at the FAME Festival in March 2011. Each child will have his/her work on display at Fieler School for Family Night in the Spring. At the completion of each project, students will compose an interactive writing about their project and the process to complete it. This unit will comply with State Standards.
Debra Hedges, Grades 1-4, 380 students, $350.
9. Continuing The Children’s Garden.
The children will be working with community members such as the Turkey Creek Garden Club. They will assist in selecting, placing, and planting flowers and shrubs. Students will learn about plants and seeds. The garden will add beauty and enjoyment to our school for all who visit.
George Grogloth, Wood, K-4, 330 students, $250.
TOTAL ROUND 17 GRANTS: $8,992.32
All Awarded Grants
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