MEF News
Round 21 Grants Awarded
The grants for Round 21 were awarded in October of 2012. Eight grants totaling $8084.43 were awarded to enhance learning experiences for Merrillville students. To get more details about these programs, view the complete listing of the Round 21 awarded grants…
Round 20 Grants Awarded
The grants for Round 20 were awarded in March of 2012. Five grants totaling $3,228.27 were awarded to enhance learning experiences for Merrillville students. To get more details about these programs, view the complete listing of the Round 20 awarded grants…
Round 19 Grants Awarded
The grants for Round 19 were awarded in October of 2011. Five grants totaling $4205.15 were awarded to enhance learning experiences for over 2,990 Merrillville students at all levels. The awarded programs cover a variety of topics, including reading, math and...
MEF makes donation to MCSC
Through the success of its Major Saver program, the Merrillville Education Foundation was recently able to present a check to the Merrillville Community School Corporation in the amount of $24,153.96.
The Major Saver program was chaired by MEF Vice President David Barrick.

John Woods Water Garden Photo Gallery
Beautiful results of the water garden project grant awarded to John Wood Elementary in 2003.

2011 MEF Gala Photo Gallery
The 2011 Merrillville Education Foundation Gala was held on Friday, April 29 at the Star Plaza in Merrillville. An enjoyable evening of food, spirits and entertainment marked another successful fundraiser for the Foundation. Other Media...
Round 17 Grants awarded
The grants for Round 17 were awarded in December of 2010. Seven grants totaling $8,992.32 were awarded to enhance learning experiences for over 4,350 Merrillville students at all levels. The awarded programs cover a variety of topics, including reading, composition,...
Round 16 Grants Awarded
The grants for Round 16 were awarded this month. Seven grants totaling $13,307.31 were awarded to enhance learning experiences for over 5,000 Merrillville students at all levels. The awarded programs cover a variety of topics, including math, recycling, behavior,...
Round 15 Grants Awarded
The grants for Round 15 were awarded in December of last year. Six grants totaling $14,743.55 were awarded to enhance learning experiences for Merrillville students covering a variety of topics. View the complete listing of the awarded grants...