MEF News

Grant Spotlight – Intro to Industrial Engineering through Theme Park Development
Development STEM Project initiative exposing MHS students to some of the intricate behind-the-scenes production cost and science-related influences of theme parks.

MCSC News Roundup – June, 2017
A digest of news related to Merrillville Community School Corporation students, teachers, alumni and/or schools.

First ever MEF Walk-A-Thon set for September 16!
The Merrillville Education Foundation invites you to participate in our first ever MEF Walk-a-Thon fundraiser! Participants in the “Better Health, Better Minds” event will be walking around the Merrillville High School complex on Saturday, September 16, 2017.

Round 30 grants for seven programs awarded
The grants for Round 30 were awarded in May of 2017. Eleven grants totaling $5,259.53 were awarded to enhance learning experiences for Merrillville students.

MCSC News Roundup – May, 2017
A digest of news related to Merrillville Community School Corporation students, teachers, alumni and/or schools.

MCSC News Roundup – April, 2017
A digest of news related to Merrillville Community School Corporation students, teachers, alumni and/or schools.

Fieler Courtyard Memory Garden Grant Photo Gallery
A Round 28 grant was awarded to put the finishing touches on a school-wide, year-long initiative to improve the courtyards at Fieler School. The entire student body participated in this project.

2017 MEF Major Saver Campaign gets underway Friday, March 17!
The Merrillville Education Foundation is once again excited to be offering Major Saver discount cards for sale through the Merrillville schools. Conveniently keep the mini card on your keychain or use the Major Saver app for Android or iOS devices so you can always take full advantage of all of the great discounts the card offers!

Grant Spotlight – Salk Sensory/Calming Area for Students
A grant provided to K-4 teachers at Salk School established a sensory/calming area, providing students the opportunity to use items to calm down, self soothe, release anger, and work through frustration in a positive, nonjudgmental climate.

Grant Spotlight – Miller Elementary 4th Grade Current Events in the Classroom
Miller Elementary School 4th grade teachers are bringing current events into their classroom through a grant awarded in Fall of 2015. See how it is impacting their students.