MEF News
Celebrating our 20th year at the 2022 MEF Gala Hops & Vino Festival
The Merrillville Education Foundation hosted the Hops and Vino Festival at Avalon Manor on May 27, 2022, to celebrate our 20th year of existence. Check out our list of generous sponsors and a photo gallery of the evening.
Round 39 grants for five MCSC programs awarded
The grants for Round 39 were awarded in April of 2022. Five grants totaling $3,759.50 were awarded to enhance learning experiences for Merrillville students.
Join us at the 2022 MEF Gala Hops & Vino Festival as we celebrate our 20th Anniversary!
The Merrillville Education Foundation is proud to announce that we are celebrating our 20th anniversary at our spring Gala, “Hops and Vino Festival” on Friday, May 27, 2022, from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville for adults 21 and over.
Grant Spotlight – Simulating the Industrial Revolution with Tinker Toys
With the “Simulating the Industrial Revolution with Tinker Toys” project, Pierce Middle school student collaborative groups had the opportunity to draw their own conclusions about the Industrial Revolution using interchangeable Tinker Toy parts.
2021 MEF Walk-A-Thon Photo Gallery
The Merrillville Education Foundation sponsored its 4th Annual Walk-A-Thon on October 9, 2021, at the Merrillville High School Field House. It was another tremendous success for MEF fundraising efforts!
Round 38 grants for 8 MCSC programs awarded
The grants for Round 38 were awarded in November of 2021. Eight grants totaling $7,292.36 were awarded to enhance learning experiences for Merrillville students.
4th Annual MEF Walk-A-Thon is a huge success!
The Merrillville Education Foundation sponsored its 4th Annual Walk-A-Thon on October 9, 2021, at the Merrillville High School Field House. It was a huge success!
Register Now! 4th Annual MEF Walk-A-Thon set for October 9
We invite you to participate in the 4th Annual MEF Walk-a-Thon fundraiser! Participants in the “Better Health, Better Minds” event will be walking around the Merrillville High School complex on Saturday, October 9, 2021. We have sponsorship opportunities, too!
Round 37 grants for 7 MCSC programs awarded
The grants for Round 37 were awarded in May of 2021. Seven grants totaling $3,905.99 were awarded to enhance learning experiences for Merrillville students.
Be on the lookout! The 2021 Major Saver campaign starts April 8
The Merrillville Education Foundation is excited to be offering Major Saver cards for sale through the Merrillville schools. Students will receive the sales packets starting Thursday, April 8, 2021. The sale will last approximately two weeks.